Verification functionalities that journalists can exploit using Truly Media

When it comes to digital fact-checking tools, journalists and fact checkers around the globe trust Truly Media, a verification platform that helps users to better deal with the increased volume and complexity of online disinformation. Given the fact that automated verification and fact-checking may never become possible and human judgement will always be necessary, Truly Media aims to assist journalists with the various fact-checking and verification tasks they perform, through the optimisation of their workflow, the facilitation of collaboration, the integration of multiple fact-checking tools, the use of analytics, and ultimately through time-saving and increased efficiency and effectiveness.

Advanced Search & Filtering

In order to monitor social media content journalists can set up different ‘Feeds’, based on specific keywords, through a friendly and easy-to-use interface. Each feed is built based on content from a single source, mainly Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and VK. Integration with Slack allows users to easily import content from their Slack channels into Truly Media. All elements within a feed can be filtered using a variety of criteria, such as the as the time, source, language, and keywords, depending on the capabilities of the particular social media channel.

Collaborative Content Organisation, Curation & Archiving

Truly Media supports common workspaces, called ‘Collections’, where fact checkers and collaborating journalists can define working teams to perform particular tasks on relevant content and together decide on how trustworthy the information they have found is.

Check out what more you can do in this analytical article!